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ข้อความ - caroline07

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General Community / Biodegradable Meal container has Toxic chemicals
« เมื่อ: 5/04/23, 18:45:30 »
Have you ever bought some food from outside and got it in eco-friendly packaging that may have made you happy it's not going to pollute the environment it won't stay on earth forever, because it is biodegradable, although new research has different pictures to show.
According to the investigation, most packages used for edibles are having evermore(forever) chemicals popularly known as PFAS, It's a human-made chemical and can accumulate in your body and may have long-lasting drastic effects on your body.
Is it harmful to your well-being, or should we ignore this fact? Let's understand everything about the chemical
What is PFAS?
It's a polyflouroalky substance which is an artificial chemical, that has a substantial chemical bond that is tough to split because it possesses fluorine bonded to carbon. 
It is quite known for the versatile work it accomplishes it is used in waterproofing as it is great at water resistance, makeup products also have this chemical, and you can find this chemical in fabrics, and of course quite popular in the form of meal boxes. Visit essay typer uk
 Should we stay careful of it or does it have any connection with health issues?

We do not have an intense level of research to comprehend each effect PFAS has on our body although whatever data we have we can conclude that it's not a secure chemical, it can trigger cancer, lower fertility, and can be a major reason for obese, downward metabolic rate, lower the response to vaccines, low sperm count, cam hamper cholesterol level, can cause kidney cancer,  testicular cancer, thyroid, can contribute to miscarriage rate, time of pregnancy increase,
it is tricky for the environment therefore, some types are banned in the USA and Canada
Regardless, more study is needed for more information regarding these chemicals to understand their overall impact of it.

This chemical can accumulate in the human body to verify the fact that the Canadian government analysed the blood reports of Canadian people and the report was significantly unexpected as more than ninety-eight percent of people of Canada have this toxic substance in their blood.

The chemical PFAS is a great substance for waterproofing it has the ability of water resistance which is a striking reason to incorporate it in packaging, especially for food items, the Canadian government banned plastic and nowadays people are getting more environment friendly that's why evidence of such boxes for food is increasing. It is used in all kinds of packaging from popcorn to wrappers.
Nevertheless, to cut out the harmful effect of the chemical the producer makes huge particles of PFAS so it cannot hamper the food materials or toxify them.

The finding of toxic chemicals in the meal containers is discovered by notable researcher Heather Schwartz Narbonne, who is from the University of Toronto.
While analyzing the meal boxes she comes across fluorine which is a major component of PFAS or a toxic chemical which led to the path of additional tests and analysis to find out more about the level of substance is there in the meal boxes.

General Community / Robots as a Mental Health coach in the workplace
« เมื่อ: 21/03/23, 17:25:17 »
Robots as a Mental Health coach in the workplace but their look plays a significant role.

We are living in the age of a knowledge society where everything is tech-based everything is fast-paced and everything is automated.

The era of robotics and robots is a new normal, round ball-looking devices helping to get rid of dust simply, the vacuum cleaner is replaced by cleaner robots, and robots are taken the place of waiters, even AI and robots are widely used in E-tourism. The

From security checks to baggage management even helping guests to reach their destinations robots are everywhere. China, Japan, and Korea are paving the path of a new robot-led society.

People staying at home or working from home felt stress, anxiety, and depression like never before.

Lay-offs, lack of job security, and apprehensiveness towards disease.


The study conducted by the University of Cambridge established the fact that a robot can take care of mental well-being at the workplace. Visit University Assignment Help

The question now arises how can a robot help maintain mental health?

The experts of Cambridge made two robots, one humanoid, and one another toy-like.

Dr. Micol Spitale and his co-workers took their robots from the lab to real-life settings. And monitor the progress of robots. These robots are, ,the QTRRobot(QT) and the Misty . They supported employees to improve their mental well-being. The robot-guided employees through 4 different exercises. These just not worked for their mental soundness but also their physical health. Furthermore, participants who participated in the program discussed how robots are like coaches, their soothing voices, and facial expressions made them feel better and created a safe and relaxed environment.

One of the studies done by oracle Found that using automation or robots lowers the workload, helps in achieving better mental health, robots can be available 24*7, they can be trustworthy too.
Does the robot's appearance matter?

The nearly childish humanoid robot QT stands about 90 centimetres tall. Misty is a 36 centimetre tall robot that resembles a toy. The screen faces of both robots could be configured with various facial expressions.

The child-looking or humanoid-looking robot did not benefit the employees as the toy looking did. Most employees claim that the toy looking misty made them feel connected safe and calm, on the other hand, the child-looking humanoid robot was not that effective. Experts analysed that it could be because of our innate idea of robots which is usually like a toy. Robots are toys that's what we perceive that led to more trust in misty.

In conclusion, we can say that robots can revolutionize the whole process of mental well-being at the workplace however people do raise questions about what if robots attack us or could cause us injury. The article published on 22 October in labour economics indicated that robots are quite safe to work with. They will also facilitate humans to accomplish errands that can be harmful to humans. In simple terms, robots can change the whole working system and make habitation more enjoyable.

Griffin, C. (2023, March 16). Robot Interaction Improves Mental Wellbeing in Workplace.

Boxmining. https://boxmining.com/robot-interaction-improves-mental-wellbeing-in-workplace/

The cyborg therapist: How AI and humans working together can help employee mental health.

(n.d.). https://www.oracle.com/news/connect/how-ai-and-humans-working-together-can-help-employee-mental-health.html




We all have a dream to achieve big things in our life although higher education and the expense are going like a bat out of hell. We all are trying our best to fulfil our dream however the path to dream is a complex one if you are leaving your house or your country to stay some place to reach your goal and accomplish your dream then it's a nightmare for someone who does not belong to upper strata of the society.

One of the studies of 2021 called the NatWest Student Living Index, exhibits data from the United Kingdom universities. Their data show soaring price hikes in the supermarket's spending by 5% and rent to 20%.

Another study from the Russell Group student union includes 24 United kingdom higher education institutions. The result of the survey found that the price peak or higher living expenses lead to lower performance Rates for learners. VISIT Cheap Assignment Help

Students in the survey talked about how they are suffering because of the price hike as they have to work part-time, and they sometimes skip meals which leads to malnutrition, due to lack of money they skip classes to save travel expenditure, ultimately poor retention and performance of students. These matters also make pupils' life miserable some of them thinking to drop out and leave their dream to accomplish something in life.

Their motivation, ambition, wellness, sleep, and education are fundamental to humans and are becoming expensive to afford.

Countless students and industry experts are talking about the journey of international students who are departing from their home country to an alien country and seeing the nightmares of pricey everything rent to food.

Some Indian students staying abroad talk about the difficulties they face while living in a foreign country due to the price hike, one student took a loan of 35 lakh and went to the united kingdom even though he had to ask for more money because it was not enough to sustain him.

Accommodation is shared by other students and it's tiny that even a mattress could not fit in.

Some measures are taken by the government and the universities to support scholars to sustain their lifestyle while studying and to decrease the dropout rate due to price rises.

The Cambridge Bursary scheme is available for students whose family income is low. Apart from monetary support, subsiding food costs, or fixed meal prices ( inexpensive food), accommodation rates are kept below the inflation pace. The Russell group also raised its concerns about inflation, retention, drop out rate to support students.
Some application-based assistance is also provided to the students, such as finance management tools to understand and properly manage their expenses ,and mobile based apps to see where students are spending their money where they can control it.

Courses on finance management are also provided to students for the comprehension of relationship of money and expense.


Action on student cost of living. (2023, March 13). University of Cambridge.


Bryant, M. (2023, March 12). One in five students at top universities consider dropping out over cost of living. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2023/mar/12/one-in-five-students-at-top-universities-consider-dropping-out-over-cost-of-living

Student cost of living skyrockets. (n.d.). NatWest Group. https://www.natwestgroup.com/news-and-insights/news-room/press-releases/financial-capability-and-learning/2021/aug/student-cost-of-living-sky-rockets.html


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